1/17/14: Statement by Dan Nelson on Governor’s Drought Declaration

Nelson commends Governor’s drought declaration; Declaration will provide a measure of short term relief

(The following is a statement by Dan Nelson, Executive Director of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority, in response to Governor Brown declaring a drought emergency.)

“We commend Governor Brown’s action today of declaring an emergency drought, said Dan Nelson, executive director of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority. California is facing an extraordinary water supply shortage that has crippled food production on hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in the San Joaquin Valley. Our reservoirs are at record lows and the lack of precipitation has raised the situation to a critical level for farmers who grow fresh fruits, vegetables and nut crops for consumers in California and around the world.

The impact of the drought will have a deep effect on farm jobs and the associated businesses that depend on a healthy farm economy. Today’s drought declaration will provide a measure of short term relief but long term solutions to California’s water supply reliability problems are needed.”