JOINT RELEASE: Reclamation and San Luis and Delta-Mendota Water Authority sign agreement that adds over 100,000 acre-feet of storage to San Luis Reservoir
The Bureau of Reclamation and the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority signed a cost share agreement for the B.F. Sisk Dam Raise and Reservoir Expansion Project, advancing water supply
Statement by Federico Barajas on the Execution of a Record of Decision on Long-Term Operations of theCentral Valley Project and State Water Project
Today, the United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) announced that it executed a Record of Decision on the Reinitiation of Consultation on the Coordinated Long-Term Operations of the Central Valley
RELEASE: Partners complete negotiations for the B.F. Sisk Dam Raise and Reservoir Expansion Project, advancing water supply reliability in California’s Central Valley
The Bureau of Reclamation and the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority today announced a negotiated consensus has been met for the B.F. Sisk Dam Raise and Reservoir Expansion Project.
RELEASE: UC Merced and San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority Execute Partnership Agreement that Opens Exciting Opportunities
A new five-year pilot study to place solar panels on the water in the Delta-Mendota Canal is just the beginning of a formal working relationship between UC Merced and the
Statement by Federico Barajas on the listing of Longfin Smelt pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) announced publication of a final rule listing the San Francisco Bay’s population of longfin smelt as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Statement by Federico Barajas regarding the June Water Allocation Update by the Bureau of Reclamation
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (“Reclamation”) updated the Central Valley Project 2024 water supply allocation today. Since the last allocation update in April, water conditions in California have improved, and export restrictions associated with the implementation of the Endangered Species Act and the 2024 Interim Operations Plan have lessened.
Congressional Letter on Allocations
As the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (“Reclamation”) considers modifications to Central Valley Project (CVP) water allocations for south-of-Delta agricultural water service and repayment contractors, we write to urge you to provide a substantial increase in water allocations. As temperatures rise, the current water allocations have the potential to reduce crop productivity, as well as reduce the flexible use of all available water types to Central Valley residents and communities. To maximize agricultural productivity and the flexible use of water contractor portfolios, we request that Reclamation provide an update in June that increases allocations.
San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority Awarded Bureau of Reclamation Funding for B.F. Sisk Dam Raise and Reservoir Expansion Project
The Bureau of Reclamation has awarded the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (“Water Authority”) $75 million in funding from the 2021 federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill for the enhancement of off-stream water storage.
Joint Statement: No Allocation Update Expected in May
We are disappointed to hear that Reclamation is not able to provide an update to water allocations this month due to a number of factors, including ongoing export limitations due
Partnership announces historic agreement and funding award to advance South of Delta drought resiliency pilot program and projects
Today, the United States Department of Interior, United States Bureau of Reclamation, along with the Friant Water Authority (FWA), San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA), and the San Joaquin
The Authority's Mission and Values
Learn more about the mission and the values of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority.