Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration

Environmental Assessment/Initial Study for Delta-Mendota Canal Subsidence Correction Project

A joint Environmental Assessment (EA)/ Initial Study (IS) is being prepared by the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA) and the United States Bureau of Reclamation. SLDMWA is the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Reclamation is the Lead Agency under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority has released for a 30-day public review under CEQA: a draft EA/IS and a draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) on the effects of the proposed subsidence correction project to restore the Delta-Mendota Canal (DMC) to its originally authorized conveyance capacity. The proposed project analyzed in this EA/IS would raise currently deficient canal lining, embankment, and other impacted structures to allow the DMC to convey its originally authorized capacity while satisfying current Bureau of Reclamation safety standards. Proposed project effects would occur within Alameda, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Fresno, San Benito, and Santa Clara counties.

The documents are available for review at Please contact Mr. Jacob Bejarano at (209) 832-6200, if you encounter difficulty accessing the documents or would like to request a CD copy. Written comments on the draft environmental document should be received by close of business March 14, 2023, and should be sent to:

Mr. Pablo Arroyave,
San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
P.O. Box 2157, Los Banos, CA 93635
or emailed to

For additional information, please contact Mr. Arroyave, San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority, at 209-832-6200 or or Mr. Bejarano, San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority, at 209-832-6200 or

Delta-Mendota Canal Subsidence Correction Project

Draft Environmental Assessment / Initial Study
Mitigated Negative Declaration
View the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration:

Link to DRAFT Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) (PDF)

Main Body Environmental Assessment / Impact Statement
View the Draft Environmental Assessment / Impact Statement:

Link to Main Body of DRAFT Environmental Assessment / Initial Study (EA/IS) (PDF)


View the Draft Document Appendices:

Appendix  Appendix Description File for Download
Appendix A Supplemental Materials Appendices A-M, Combined (PDF)
Appendix B Plan Formulation Technical Memorandum
Appendix C Project Description
Appendix D CalSim Modeling Technical Report
Appendix E Regulatory Settings
Appendix F Existing Conditions Supporting Information
Appendix G Water Supply Technical Appendix
Appendix H Water Quality Technical Appendix
Appendix I1 Air Quality Technical Appendix
Appendix I2 Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations
Appendix J Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Appendix
Appendix K Noise and Vibration Calculations
Appendix L Traffic and Transportation Technical Appendix
Appendix M Biological Survey Report
Appendix N1 Archaeological Survey Appendix N1 (PDF)
Appendix N2 Archaeological Evaluation Report Appendix N2 (PDF)
Appendix O Cumulative Projects Appendix O (PDF)