The Delta-Mendota Canal is owned by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and operated and maintained by the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (Water Authority). The Water Authority has a responsibility to the USBR to ensure that all activities within the Delta-Mendota Canal Right-Of-Way meet or exceed their standards. In the event that encroachment of the Right-Of-Way is required in order to make repairs to an existing facility, the Water Authority will need to issue an Access Permit prior to the start of construction.
Click on the link below to view or print the Access Permit Form. This form can be filled out electronically and emailed to the Water Authority. It can also be printed, filled out, and faxed or mailed to the Water Authority. Contact information is listed on the form.
Please contact Jessie Ixta at (209)832-6222 if you have any questions.