The San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA) updated the Westside-San Joaquin Integrated Water Resources Plan (WIWRP) to meet new State guidelines and to update regional strategies, priorities, and objectives to better reflect current circumstances. Integrated regional water management plans are, and have been, generated throughout the State to promote collaborative water resources management within a specified region by identifying regional water resource needs and solutions, generating regional partnerships, and providing funding support. Projects identified in these plans involve drainage, flood control, groundwater management, land use, water conservation, water quality, water supply, and water use efficiency, to improve water management.

The updated 2019 Westside-San Joaquin IRWMP can be downloaded here and accompanying appendices can be downloaded here

Stormwater Resource Plan

The Westside-San Joaquin Integrated Regional Water Management Group prepared a Stormwater Resource Plan (SWRP) to meet State requirements for obtaining California state grant funding for stormwater and dry-weather runoff projects. The SWRP also includes information on stormwater projects from throughout the Westside-San Joaquin Region. The final Westside-San Joaquin SWRP can be accessed here and the accompanying appendices can be accessed here. 

What is a Stormwater Resource Plan?

A Stormwater Resource Plan, or SWRP, is an integrated planning document that focuses on regional watershed-based stormwater priorities. SWRPs are intended to develop multiple benefit projects for upcoming funding opportunities. SWRP projects can include benefits such as improved storm drainage, reduced impervious surfaces, flood protection, improved water quality, etc.

In order to be eligible to receive any state bond funding, stormwater capture and dry weather runoff capture projects must be included in a SWRP.

More information about the State Water Resources Control Board’s Storm Water Grant Program is available at

Westside-San Joaquin Region Project Database

The Westside-San Joaquin Region maintains an online project database that houses projects for both the IRWMP and SWRP. Anyone can access the database and view project information by making a free account. Project proponents can also add or update project information at any time. The database can be accessed at

The U.S. EPA is providing an opportunity to obtain funding for water quality projects especially in those communities that are underserved. Below is further information on this funding source. Please forward information to those who may be interested as well.

Grants Program Issues Request for Proposals
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting proposals from eligible applicants for projects that will advance EPA’s water quality and environmental justice goals. Proposed projects will address urban runoff pollution through diverse partnerships that produce multiple community benefits, with emphasis on underserved communities.

Note that proposed project activities must take place entirely within one of the Eligible Geographic Areas, as illustrated on the interactive map provided on the Urban Waters Small Grants mapping website at

EPA’s Urban Waters Program helps local residents and their organizations, particularly those in underserved communities, restore their urban waters in ways that also benefit community and economic revitalization. The total estimated funding available for awards under this competition is approximately $1.6 million.

Visit the Urban Waters Small Grants website to learn more about the program and how to submit a proposal at