Authority Board Tours Shasta Reservoir Expansion Project

In May of 2019, the Authority Board toured the Shasta Reservoir Expansion Project as part of the Authority Board’s ongoing education series on California storage projects that may be considered as part of the Authority’s long-term water supply reliability improvement strategy for our member agencies.  The Shasta tour, as well as tours to San Luis and Pacheco Reservoirs in June, help Board members gather facts for their decision-making.

The project, which would raise Shasta dam by 18.5 feet, would provide 630,000 acre-feet of additional storage, including 190,000 for fishery enhancements. 

Directors and guests toured Shasta dam facilities, as well as areas on the McCloud River that would be impacted by raising the dam. When full, an enlarged reservoir would inundate approximately 3,550 additional feet of the McCloud River, less than one mile.

Find out more in the video below.

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Congressional Letter on Allocations

As the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (“Reclamation”) considers modifications to Central Valley Project (CVP) water allocations for south-of-Delta agricultural water service and repayment contractors, we write to urge you to provide a substantial increase in water allocations. As temperatures rise, the current water allocations have the potential to reduce crop productivity, as well as reduce the flexible use of all available water types to Central Valley residents and communities. To maximize agricultural productivity and the flexible use of water contractor portfolios, we request that Reclamation provide an update in June that increases allocations.

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