SLDMWA Applauds Southern California Legislators

Link to Letter Regarding BDCP by Southern California Legislators
Click to view letter

This letter is a welcome sign of engagement by Southern California legislators. From the perspective of Southern California water users the water supply system, at least on the surface, appears to be working fine. Water always comes out of the tap when it is opened. As a result water problems are far from their view and they have other frontline problems on which they are demanding action from government representatives. Our awareness and that of legislators in the San Joaquin Valley is critically high of the problems water users face. We have lived with unacceptable shortages for 20 years. And we have been working for 20 years to fix California’s broken water system.

Southern California consumers rely on water moved through the Delta for one-third of their supplies. Those supplies are threatened by regulatory and policy decisions made by government agencies. Those decisions will one day affect Southern California’s fragile lifeline to the water supplies they depend on from Northern California. It is encouraging to see the understanding and support from these Southern California legislators on California’s critical water issues.