DWR Grant Funding Available: Drainage Reuse

The Drainage Reuse Grant Program is accepting applications for funding of local public agency programs that resolve agricultural drainage water-related issues. A total of $2 million is available with a maximum of $300,000 for each eligible project. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, Jan. 6.  Click here for more information from DWR.




Available Funding: $2 million

Maximum Award per Project: $300,000

Eligible Applicants: Local agencies including any city, county, district, joint powers authority, or other political subdivision of the state (including public universities) involved with water management.

Eligible Projects: Projects must contribute to the improvement of drainage management methods and enhance existing knowledge of drainage mitigation opportunities. Eligible projects must yield multiple benefits and address one or more of the program objectives listed in the 2014 Guidelines/PSP.

Project Priorities: While there are many options for eligible projects, the types of projects that will be given priority in this round of funding include those that:

  • Develop sustainable, environmentally-acceptable methods to concentrate and harvest salts and potentially toxic elements from drainage water.
  • Develop viable desalination technologies for subsurface agricultural drainage water and brackish groundwater underlying drainage impaired lands.
  • Utilize concentrate from desalination processes for recycling of valuable salts, such as gypsum, sodium sulfate, magnesium and calcium chlorides, etc.