Water Conveyance Workshop (Online)
Major conveyance structures are aging, damaged by subsidence and in need of repair. Adapting to climate change will require new and improved connections designed for different purposes than our historic infrastructure.
In response to the Governor’s Water Resilience Portfolio, the California Water Commission will conduct a series of virtual public workshops. The Commission’s goal is to learn about regional conveyance needs and priorities that promote resilience. As it explores a potential state role in funding conveyance projects, the Commission seeks public input on criteria for assessing resilience, public benefits of conveyance, and financing mechanisms. The workshops are not associated with the pending proposal to improve conveyance through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
The Commission hopes to hear from multiple voices and perspectives in order to develop an understanding of how your region is preparing to build resilience in a changing climate. You are encouraged to attend more than one workshop.
Central California Event Details
Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Time: 2:30-5 p.m.
Location: Login details available at:
Registration: (Requires Zoom Software)
Additional Information: CWC Flyer