Sacramento, CA – Today, the United States Bureau of Reclamation (“Reclamation”) provided an update to the March Central Valley Project 2023 water supply allocation. Since updating allocations last month, Shasta and San Luis Reservoirs have experienced significant increases in reservoir storage levels. Today’s announcement increases the allocations for Authority member agencies compared to last month. Reclamation announced the following changes to Authority member agency allocations:
- Irrigation water service and repayment contractors have increased to 100 percent from 80 percent of their contract totals.
In response to the updated allocation, Federico Barajas issued the following statement:
“Given the positive snowpack and reservoir levels throughout the Central Valley Project, the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority is pleased to see another increase in water allocations for Authority member agencies,” said Federico Barajas, Executive Director of the San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority. “I’d like to extend appreciation to the Bureau of Reclamation for their work in navigating the complexities of this water year, which began with preparations for a third year of drought and quickly transitioned into flood management. While this year has brought a much needed respite from the dry conditions that our members have experienced for the last three years, we know that California’s hydrology is becoming increasingly variable and dry conditions could return quickly.”
“Capturing water in years like this for future use is a critical component of reducing the impacts of future dry years – particularly with the reduced reliance on groundwater that will result from full implementation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Infrastructure and regulatory improvements to maximize the storage and movement of water when its available can create a more sustainable future for our member agencies and the communities and ecosystems they serve.”
Current status of Authority member agency CVP allocations are:
- Irrigation water service and repayment contractors south-of-Delta are allocated 100% of their contract total.
- M&I water service and repayment contractors south-of-Delta are allocated 100% of their contract supply
- San Joaquin River Settlement Contractors and San Joaquin Exchange Contractors’ water supply is based upon settlement/exchange of claimed senior water rights. The 2023 water year is determined as non-critical, as defined in their contracts, which allows for 100% of their contract supply.
- Wildlife Refuge Contractors: The 2023 water year is currently determined as non-critical, as defined in their contracts, which allows for 100% of contract supply for wildlife refuges (Level 2), both north- and south-of-Delta.